September 15, 2009

Homework #2

Critics of current TV programs expect that FCC (government) restrictions on popular shows, like children's adventure cartoons and R-rated movies, would force the TV stations to put on more responsible programming, like public-affairs shows and live productions of classical drama. But would they really want the government to get involved in broadcasting if they knew a little more about how the marketplace really works? Restrictions like this would result in milder, but still mindless, offerings. There would be more situation-comedies (sit-coms) about bewildered housewives, more coverage of small-town minor-league sports, and more talk shows about the private lives of so-called "celebrities."

The author of the passage assumes that

A. current TV programming is not irresponsible.

B. FCC restrictions of TV shows will not necessarily be easy to enforce.

C. those who want to restrict certain popular TV shows will not like their popular replacements.

D. the FCC should have no control over the TV industry, which is likely to serve the public better if it is not regulated.

E. The marketplace is the true test of whether or not a new program idea is worthwhile.